Lion Of Judah Israel Annual conference – Herods Dead Sea March 2020
Our annual conference took place on March 2020 – this time at the Herods Hotel in the Dead Sea. Lectures, workshops, socializing and free time to enjoy the beauty and peace of the Dead Sea.
Our first stop was at “Maslan” House – one of the projects we support, for an exciting and inspiring visit with the special project for elderly women , from where we proceeded to the Herod’s Hotel in the Dead Sea where we gathered to dream together in a fascinating workshop led by our dear Sara Oren. After a luxurious dinner we gathered for a musical evening Full of joy and good energies with the one and only Bat-Ella Birnbaum that led us all into singing and dancing sign language and more …
The next morning we were thrilled together with Debbie Silver and Attalia Oberman who shared their inspirational journey with us, followed by the visit of Dr. Michal Comam of Sderot College along with Rachel Levy Hertz and two young women participating in a project that we have been supporting for years in the Rotem Center, which operates throughout the Southern Region for all young woman. In the afternoon we listened to a fascinating lecture by Inbal Arieli, author of “Chutzpah” – Israeli Childhood and Global Entrepreneurship; We celebrated the evening with music and dancing into the night.
On the last day, we enjoyed additional “Ted style” lectures by the Lion Of Judah members: Yael Racov Drory and Zohar Abramson, and we met Hadas Slonim – Vice President of Business Development of “Epoch Times Israel” that shared her insights on the subject: Everything is possible and it is desirable to dream and fulfill. A great ending for three fascinating days.
We concluded with our ceremony for accepting new members joining the fund.
Already miss and plan the next meeting!