“Virtually Limitless” Lion of Judah Israel Participates in Organization’s First Virtual International Conference
Over 60 Israeli women, all members of Lion of Judah Israel, participated in the first virtual international conference of Lion of Judah on January 24 – 25, 2021. They joined thousands of their sister members from around the world at the bi-annual conference which was held online due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The Israeli Lions were moved and inspired by the talks, panels and performances that all dealt with issues of primary importance to Jewish women in North America, Israel and around the globe.
Lion of Judah is an international sisterhood that encompasses 18,000 women dedicated to philanthropy, Israel and “tikkun olam”. Lion of Judah Israel (LOJI), which was established over 20 years ago, is a philanthropic foundation dedicated to supporting the empowerment of women and girls in Israel.
As important members of the international organization LOJI was asked to provide a video greeting that was screened at the opening of the conference. The video described the work and activities of LOJI during the pandemic and expressed its warm ties with women in the Jewish communities abroad. As LOJI Chairman Ricky Rosenberg said in the greeting, “As Lions we give and act out of hope and optimism that the world can be made a better place, for our children and grandchildren. We hope that this difficult time will soon pass and that we will be able to meet again face to face.”
The conference dealt with important issues that concern world Jewry, such as anti-Semitism and violence against Jewish institutions, anti-Zionism on university campuses, the difficulties experienced by Jews of color, as well as the vital and inseparable connection with Israel.
Each community ended the conference with a community meeting online. LOJI held a meeting of the foundation’s members in Israel, where members described their feelings of transcendence and joy in the face of the conference’s demonstration of power and unity.
The next International Lion of Judah Conference will be held in January 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona and Lion of Judah Israel is planning, as in past years, to have a large delegation of Israeli Lions in attendance.