The annual Lion of Judah Israel 2023 Conference
The annual Conference of Lion of Judah Israel took place this year in March and was held at the new Botanica Hotel in Haifa. The theme of the conference was: “Trailblazing Women”.
We heard from Roni Ross, one of the pioneers of the high-tech industry in Israel, who told her story – the story of the first woman in Israel to sell her company to a major international corporation; Nava Ravid, former CEO of the Israeli branch of the international cosmetics company “L’Oreal”; Olesia Kantor, a successful businesswoman in the jewelry field, and Noy Hadas, an entrepreneur and owner of the “Noy Hasadeh” fruit and vegetable marketing company.
And let’s not forget a bit of culture – we met Iris Barak – art curator of the Fattal hotel chain, who spoke about the art in the hotel.
We also met Mor Baron Lahiani, director of the “Turning the Tables” project, a wonderful project that LOJI supports. We played a social game featuring leading Israeli women, and the high point of the conference was a festive pre-Purim party, where we all dressed up in costumes and danced accompanied by the very talented singer Ricky Ben Ari deep into the night.
The conference concluded the next morning with an interesting and entertaining lecture-performance by Dr. Einat Glazer about “The logic in life – the logic in emotion”.