2024-2025 Projects

Empowered Ethiopian Women

Thousands of young Ethiopian-Israeli women throughout the country are struggling to achieve success in their professional and personal lives.  The events of October 7th derailed much of their success.  The project comes to support those individuals and groups who need assistance to re-achieve and sustain their upward trajectory.

The Family Nest in Ashkelon: Strengthening the Resilience of Mothers and Young Women

The population served by the Family Nest consists of women, and their families, who face difficulties and challenges on a daily basis.  The war has made life even more difficult for this population who live in one of the oldest neighbourhoods of Ashkelon where most of the buildings do not have shelters. The projects will be focusing on building the resilience of mothers, many who are single parents, so that they can enable both themselves and their family to develop positive momentum moving forward.

Chalasartan:  Development and Support of Therapeutic Groups for young women cancer victims

Young adults fighting cancer many times feel extremely isolated.  The war and the resulting uprooting of populations in the north and south has resulted in many cancer victims losing their existing support systems.  The project will focus on the development of support groups which will provide the much-needed emotional support that young adult cancer victims are in need of during and after their difficult road to recovery.

Eden:  Group and Individual Therapy for Girls in the Eden Dormitory High School.

The girls (ages 13 – 18) who attend the Eden HS have either been removed from their homes by court order or are post psychiatric hospitalization.  The original program included extensive therapy in order to prepare the girls for adult life.  The war and the resulting relocation, for close to six months, heightened the trauma that most of the girl’s experience.  The LOJI will support additional group therapy in order to prepare the girls for successfully transitioning into adulthood.

Economic Empowerment for Women:  A Business of One’s Own

The project is designed to assist women in opening and maintaining a small business.  The NGO works with populations from all the geographic and social periphery of Israel.  Participants are chosen in cooperation with local authorities.  LOJI will support the program in two separate locations which consists of a series of workshops and individual counselling in order to assist the women in opening and maintaining successful small businesses which enable both the entrepreneur and her family to enjoy financial stability.

Garin “Vealitem” in Mitzpe Ramon:  Support of Wives and Families of Long-Serving Reserve Soldiers.

Mitzpe Ramon is a small town in the middle of the Negev, over an hour south of Beersheva.  It is a relatively young community and a high percentage of the men have been serving in the IDF for extended periods of time. The program will focus on activities and therapies to aid the wives of reservists in coping with the difficulties inherent in the situation of women, many with a large number of children, who live very far from large population centers and from their extended families. The assistance to be offered will be both therapeutic and social so as to relieve some of the pressure that the women/mothers are subject to.

Life’s Door:   A Space for Hope- residential therapeutic program

The NGO has extensive experience in supporting families dealing with end-of-the-life issues. Utilizing this expertise it now operating a residential program for young women who lived through the Nova trauma.  As the infrastructure – facility and maintenance – is already in operation the funding provided by the LOJI will be used to provide part of the extensive group therapy which is an integral part of the program.

Shaar HaNegev Community Center:  Surfing and Therapy for war widows

The program was specially designed in response to the war.  Young widows, residents of the Gaza envelop will participate in a program which includes learning to surf and intense and extensive therapy.  The physical aspect of the program is designed to both strengthen the group bonds and enable the participants to fully take advantage of the therapeutic elements of the program.

Special Grant for empowering women

The Arieh Yehuda Israel Foundation supports women volunteers in their community, such as those who were part of the projects supported by the foundation, who have an aspiration to advance and develop.

It is given to women who have overcome many difficulties, distress, and obstacles on the way to success and self-fulfilment, and it recognizes and appreciates their volunteering, their exceptional efforts and their determination on the road to success.