About Lion of Judah Israel
Lion of Judah-Israel (LOJI) is a community of women who give to a common fund dedicated to the advancement of women and girls in Israel. Through this fund we support outstanding projects that improve the lives of thousands of women, girls and families.
LOJI is unique among women’s organization in Israel and breaks new ground in women’s philanthropy. Each member gives an annual donation to our fund, most of our activity is conducted by volunteers, with only one paid professional.
LOJI is the local affiliate of international Lion of Judah, a philanthropic organization numbering 18,500 Jewish women worldwide who are dedicated to Jewish causes in their home communities and to Israel. By supporting joint projects with communities abroad, hosting missions during visits to Israel and participating in Lion of Judah international conferences, we are able to create warm personal relationships and act as “ambassadors” for Israel.
Lion of Judah Israel is under the auspices of the Spirit of Israel, a nonprofit company of the Jewish Agency, raises funds from the Israeli public for youth villages and other projects in line with the Jewish Agency’s social agenda.
The Jewish Agency works to strengthen the connection between Jews in the Diaspora and Israel, in order to ensure a vibrant global Jewish People and a secure Jewish future. Today the Jewish Agency is redirecting its focus toward the greatest challenge facing the Jewish people – strengthening the Jewish identity of young Jews in both the Diaspora and Israel.